Eggless Dark Chocolate Truffle Cake [1 Pound] Eggless Dark Chocolate Truffle Cake [1 Pound] ₹370 Eggless Italian Chocolate Cake [1 Pound] Eggless Italian Chocolate Cake [1 Pound] ₹335 Eggless Pineapple Cake [1 Pound] Eggless Pineapple Cake [1 Pound] ₹345 Eggless Black Forest Cake [1 Pound] Eggless Black Forest Cake [1 Pound] ₹380 Eggless Chocolate Budget Cake [1 Pound] Eggless Chocolate Budget Cake [1 Pound] ₹350 Brownie Chocolate Cake [1 Pound] Brownie Chocolate Cake [1 Pound] ₹350 Triple Chocolate Cake [450 Gms] Pure chocolate cake. ₹345 Lovely Heart Shape Chocolate Cake[450 Gms] Special for chocolate day cake impression your love by heart shaped cake .it has a smooth texture that melts inthe mouth with the goodness of chocolate embedded inevery nook of it. ₹380 Oreo Kitkat Chocolate Cake [900 Gms] Oreo Kitkat Chocolate Cake [900 Gms] ₹700 Almond Cake [1 Pound] Almond Cake [1 Pound] ₹500